Middle Childhood: Track my Development 6-11 years
Well, mom, you’ve made it this far! There’s so much to learn about the stage of middle childhood. One important thing to know at this stage is that your child’s world is slowly moving outward; constantly expanding. You no longer are the center of the universe and you need to make space for other people to have positive impacts on your child’s development. His teacher, coach, and peers are all very important players during this period. Another important thing to look out for- self-esteem development- this is the time to really let children develop a healthy sense of self.
Physical Development:
Your child’s bones are still developing at this age, so just note that they still cannot withstand a lot of pressure
Growth is slow but steady; height and weight increases an average of 5% each year
Milk teeth are falling out while permanent ones take their place
Sensory abilities are improving significantly; during this age children will rely on their senses to also assist in learning (see part of cognitive development)
Handedness and coordination improve
Children during this age have a lot of energy and love to be on the move!
Things you should be doing to support my development:
Make sure I am moving and active
Limit my screen time. I shouldn’t be exposed to more than 2 hours of screen time a day at this age
Make sure I am eating a balanced diet ·
Have me use my fine motor skills as I am learning.
Teach me about body privacy and personal hygiene
Cognitive Development
This is a period of rapid brain and mental skill development and children want to learn at this stage
Foundational skills pertaining to reading, writing, and math are strengthened
Children’s memory is improving and the attention spans are increasing
There’s a gradual progression of innovation and curiosity is also at its peak
Children are figuring out values such as honesty, justice, and equality
Skills related to planning, impulse control and the ability to evaluate outcomes are all emerging
Children are concrete thinkers at this age. They have the ability to understand concrete and logical information yet aren’t able to grasp hypothetical and abstract concepts (this develops later into adolescence).
They also have an emerging vocabulary and can thus use it in their communication
Learning best occurs when it’s “hands-on”
Things you should be doing to support my development:
Show me how it’s done. If you want me to behave a certain way then you should practice what you preach ·
Recognize my trials not just my accomplishments ·
Give me age appropriate chores ·
Ask me about my day and my friends- be involved in what I am interested in these days ·
Help me express my feelings ·
Don’t scold or discipline me in front of others ·
Teach me about my surroundings: my culture, my community etc. ·
Keep an eye out- supervise where I am going, who I am going with and what I am looking for online
Emotional Development:
Children are better able to control impulses and patience develops as well as their ability to cope when things don’t go their way
A sense of self is emerging while also comparing the self to others
Self-esteem is developing
Children start noticing differences between successes and failures
Children are also learning how to handle their emotions; a skill which is very important to have
Things you should be doing to support my development:
When you want me to learn something let me apply the skill ·
Involve me in decision making ·
Let me speak up and express my opinions ·
Don’t compare me to others. I really hate that. I am special just the way I am.
Mom, you should talk to my pediatrician or a mental health professional if:
I’m constantly sad or afraid of worried
I’m still clingy
I avoid trying new things
I am doing things I shouldn’t do such as smoking
I am regressing to previous stages
I don’t have any friends my age
I am violent and aggressive