
7 Tips on How to Prepare your Body for Natural Birth

7 Tips on How to Prepare your Body for Natural Birth
Published : December 11 , 2017
Latest Update : February 09 , 2021
Nicky Langley is a mother of four and a professional Doula, Hypnobirthing teacher and Breastfeeding Supporter. She has been living in Dubai... more

When we sign up for running a marathon or competing in a poetry contest, we practice each day every day before we compete just, so we can win and get the prize, right? Well, this what happens exactly during pregnancy, we prepare ourselves to hold the most amazing prize in our hands after 9 months of practice.

That is why ladies, I encourage you to remember that your bodies are designed to give birth and there are most definitely things that you can do to help prepare for this big win.

  1. Exercise regularly 

    Listen to your body, build gentle exercise into your daily routine, it is good for the body and the mind! Walking is fantastic, enjoy having some time to yourself.  Yoga is wonderful during pregnancy and works well alongside hypnobirthing techniques, focusing on breathing and all the associated benefits.

Practise squatting throughout your pregnancy.  Squatting is a perfect position to be in whilst in labor, naturally opening up the pelvis and using gravity to aid the descent of your baby.  If you have been practicing this throughout your pregnancy you will have strengthened your leg muscles ready for the day your baby decides to make an appearance!

  1. Eat a healthy and varied diet 

    Do not use pregnancy as an excuse to eat excessively! Getting the right nutrients for you and your baby comes from the quality of your food intake, not the quantity.
  2. Think about your posture 

    Try and be aware of how you are sitting, slouching back on the sofa is comfortable for you but not ideal for helping with baby’s positioning. Try and visualize your pelvis…. Being in an upright and forward position is best for baby!  Think about buying a birthing ball, ideally of a height where your hips are above your knees when you are sitting on it.

You can relax sitting on the ball knowing that you are helping to encourage your baby into a good position for labor and birth. You may find this useful to use in labor too.

  1. Educate yourself 

    Enrol in antenatal classes designed for mums preparing for natural birth. Many classes place their emphasis on pain relief, interventions etc.  Find a class that fits your expectations of birth.  Hypnobirthing classes provide wonderful techniques for managing fear surrounding birth, something that can affect your birth experience hugely.
  2. Avoid negativity! 

    Surround yourself with people who believe like you do that it is perfectly possible to birth naturally. Stay away from people who want to tell frightening birth stories.  Be careful what TV programmes you watch! Birth is often portrayed as something to be frightened of, remember these shows are meant to entertain us and therefore are rarely realistic!  I believe that there is nothing more entertaining than watching a woman give birth naturally and instinctively!
  3. Create a supportive birth team 

    Discuss your preferences for birth with your birth partner. Make sure they are educated in the birth that you really want to have so they can advocate for you and support you in any decisions you make about your birth.  Think about hiring a doula, a doula is trained and experienced in the process of birth and can be a much-needed support for you and your partner.  Choose an Obstetrician and hospital setting that are happy to listen to your preferences and support you in any decisions you feel are important to you.
  4. Practice breathing and visualization techniques 

    Whether you are taking hypnobirthing classes or following a more traditional route, managing your breathing is of paramount importance. In order for your uterus to do its job and contract whilst in labor it is essential that you breathe in an effective manner.  It is tempting to hold your breath during your surges (contractions), by holding your breath you are starving your body (and very importantly your baby) of oxygen.  Try and establish a routine where you practice nice controlled and slow breathing.  Perhaps listen to some relaxing music or hypnosis scripts in bed at night and notice how you can affect your breathing and how it feels.  Visualise your body opening up like a flower, and imagine every surge (contraction) is bringing your baby closer to you.

Daydream about your ideal birth, imagine it happening and how you feel about it.  Visualize holding your new baby in your arms, imagine what he/she look and smells like.  By practicing imagining your birth positively you are much more likely to have a positive birth experience. BELIEVE IN YOUR BODYS ABILITY TO BIRTH NATURALLY!


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