
Beetroot Hummus

June - 7 - 2017
Preparation: -
Cooking: -

Recipe by, Maisaa Miqdadi - Food blogger, Founder of Let's Talk Food

Preparation: -
Cooking: -


  • 2 cups dried chickpeas 400 gm
  • ½ cup tahini
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • 2 cloves garlic softly mashed with a pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • water or yogurt to soften the hummus if needed (preferably from the broth of chickpeas)
  • 1 cup roasted beetroots
  • Salt to taste


  • Soak the chickpeas in water over night. The other day, wash and boil in water for approximately an hour to soften and easily peeled.
  • Keep some of the boiling water to blend the hummus in the food processor after peeling.
  • For quick peeling, place the drained and rinsed chickpeas in a large pot filled with water and rub the chickpeas in between your hands. You will find that this rubs the skins off well without crushing (though if you do crush the chickpeas, it’s not a big deal, since you are pureeing them anyway).
  • You will find that the chickpeas sink in the bottom, while the skins float slightly above.
  • Keep some chickpeas at the side for decoration. Then puree the remaining peeled chickpeas in food processor with all the remaining ingredients, until creamy and soft.
  • Pour in a plate and garnish with whole chickpeas and olive oil.