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April 13 , 2016 12:14 pm
my 2,5 years old son is addicted to youtube series spiderman & Ilssa, the series are so silly and full of violence, just don't know how to deal with that

Answers Count: 1
April 15 , 2016 3:23 pm
By: Sirsa Qursha
Hello Nadine, Thank you for your question. A lot of researchers have recommended that children over 2 only be exposed to 1-2 hours of TV a day so  primarily, I would recommend that you limit the amount of time your child is online. I know that is easier said than done, so you can start by gradually cutting down the time. For example, start by cutting off 10 minutes (so if he's watching 1 hour, aim for 50 min the first few days and then slowly add more time  over the weeks to come).    Secondly, I'd recommend that you talk to him about what he's watching- so make sure you are an active participant. Also, be sure to act out things using toys or puppets, that way you can make his viewing more interactive and "useful" in a sense. Another great way to minimise screen time is to move! So be sure you make time for outdoor play as well as one on one special play time with you at home.    Hope these tips are helpful!  Sirsa