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Luma Fawaz Children's Sleep Counseling

Luma Fawaz is the mother of three lovely children ages 7, 5 years & a 9-month-old. She is first and foremost a mom! ...but professionally she has been for the last 14 years an Investment Consultant, Luma has an MBA with an emphasis in Finance and a BA degree in International relations and Political science (2001), from the Boston University. Long before she had her own children, Mrs. Fawaz was always interested in family/social therapy which she believed had to start with a well-rested family. Although her children are all now amazing sleepers, she recently found herself positioned to be giving advice and guidance to parents about sleeping, attachment parenting, and sleep routines and felt that some heightened training was in order. Luma is now a Family Sleep Institute certified child sleep consultant, and a member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants.

Articles By Luma Fawaz:

how to deal with Sleep Regressions
You’ve done it!  All that sleep training has paid off, and your baby has enjoyed weeks of consistent and peaceful sleep!  Until he doesn’t.  Wait—what...
For better and Safe Sleep for Babies
It’s the first time your baby has slept a 4 to 5 hour chunk, and you awake completely startled.  Realizing babe hasn’t cried out like...
Generic Sleep Guide for All Ages
If you have more than one child, you probably know every baby has different sleep preferences.  However, each stage of an infant’s life is marked...

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