
Is your body ready for pregnancy?

Is your body ready for pregnancy?
Published : November 27 , 2016
Latest Update : June 29 , 2021
Dr. Rami Kilani is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist who holds the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as the membership... more

Planning to get pregnant soon? Within the 1st month of conception, your embryo will have grown from a single cell to millions of cells. This is THE miracle of life and it is never too early to start preparing your body for this amazing journey.

Not only does being in “good shape” make you more fertile (more likely to get pregnant), it also helps ensure a healthy pregnancy and a strong newborn.

So, what does it take to “be in good shape” to get pregnant?

1)    Maintain a healthy weight

Before getting pregnant, the best thing you can do for you and your baby is to be in the “normal” weight range. Being both under and overweight prior to getting pregnant is problematic. Excess body fat, as well as malnutrition, delay pregnancy and cause menstrual irregularities. A trip to a dietitian’s clinic to make sure all your measurements are on track is absolutely essential.

Moderate exercise will help you get in shape for your pregnancy. It will also get your muscles ready to carry all that extra weight.

2)    Bulk up on important nutrients

Pregnancy is one of the most demanding experiences that your body goes through. The good news is that you can get your body ready for it! The 3 key nutrients to look out for are Iron, Calcium, and Folic Acid. Make sure these are at the right levels and focus on including a source of each at every meal. Here’s a quick guide to each of these nutrients:

  • Calcium:

Found in milk, yogurt, cheese, dark leafy green vegetables, broccoli, figs, salmon, and sardines.

  • Folic Acid:

In addition to taking a 400 mg supplement, include edamame, okra, broccoli, liver, spinach, asparagus, peas, and chickpeas in your diet.

  • Iron:

Found in beef, lamb, chicken, liver, and sardines. Also found in plant sources including spinach, edamame, asparagus, oatmeal, lentils, beans, nuts, and hummus. A tip to increase absorption of iron from plant sources is to add vitamin C by giving any dish a squeeze of lemon.

3)    Exercise moderately

Moderate exercise will help you get in shape for your pregnancy. It will also get your muscles ready to carry all that extra weight. However, be warned that the intense levels of exercise that are usually performed by professional athletes do cause delays and interruption in the menstrual cycle, which in turn, affects fertility. Basically, now is not the time to push yourself over the limit. Moderate exercise is recommended and beneficial, but do take it slow.

4)    Get in the habit of eating all your meals

Are you the type that grabs a coffee in morning and skips breakfast? Well, now is the time to change that! Staying without food for long hours during pregnancy should be avoided, and the first meal of your day should be well taken care of. So, get in the habit of planning what you will have for breakfast the next day and preparing something that you can grab and go if you’re the type that’s always in a rush.

Excess body fat, as well as malnutrition, delay pregnancy and cause menstrual irregularities. A trip to a dietitian’s clinic to make sure all your measurements are on track is absolutely essential.

5)    Hold back a little

If you are facing difficulty getting pregnant, then cutting down on damaged (saturated) fats, caffeine, alcohol, soy, and fiber is a good idea. Studies show a correlation between delayed pregnancy and a high consumption of the previously mentioned substances. Remember, moderation is always key.

It almost seems like an unhealthy lifestyle is a natural form of contraception. Many studies have proven the relationship between a balanced lifestyle,a healthy pregnancy, and a happy baby.

If you listen closely, you can almost hear your body telling you: “You’re going to be a mommy now, the role model to a tiny creature who will learn about the world through your actions. So, be his/her window to a healthy, happy lifestyle.


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