اسألي الخبراء

مارس 11 , 2016 1:21 مساءً
Can I lose weight while breastfeeding? and when can I start

عدد الأجوبة: 1
مارس 11 , 2016 1:29 مساءً
بقلم: مجد الخطيب
Yes you can lose weight while breastfeeding but it is a slow process and you have to be very careful and eat very healthy you lose weight gradually in 10 months maximum and get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. You need to ensure that you do not compromise on a balanced diet, as this could reduce your milk supply. Breastfeeding already consumes many of the additional calories and you need to ensure that you have a healthy caloric intake. Wait till your baby is two months old, and then start decreasing your calories intake to no less than 1500 calories. Drink a lot of water and start exercising; your target of weight loss shouldn't be more than 500 - 750 gram a week.