اسألي الخبراء

أبريل 22 , 2016 8:29 مساءً
I have a 8 year old daughter and a 6 years old son my girl loves me to read for her but my son is not even interested how can I let him sit and listen

عدد الأجوبة: 1
مايو 04 , 2016 4:06 مساءً
بقلم: رانيا الترك
Hi Maryam. There are a couple of things you can try to help engage your child in books: 1) Have your son choose his own book to purchase and then try reading aloud to him. A sense of ownership over the reading material might help encourage him 2) try a wordless book where he can tell you the story instead of you reading it to him 3) make reading together an active time. Try a book that encourages physical . movement such as Eric Carle’s From Head to Toe