اسألي الخبراء

مارس 25 , 2016 12:42 مساءً
Why does my child speak in third person? Is that normal?

عدد الأجوبة: 2
أبريل 07 , 2016 8:57 صباحاً
بقلم: مروة الساطي
Children should be able to use pronouns and possessives at the age of three and a half to four years of age. It is necessary that you start teaching them these correct forms once they have reached this age and still unable to use these forms.
مارس 25 , 2016 12:43 مساءً
بقلم: مروة الساطي
Children under the age of 3 years are not fully able to grasp the concept of pronouns. A toddler refers to himself/herself by name such as "Sarah want ball" or "Ahmad eat apple". With linguistic development, your child begins to use pronouns and form longer sentences with complex concepts.