اسألي الخبراء

يوليو 14 , 2016 10:20 صباحاً
My cousin Is 2 years old she only speaks 3 words .. is it normal? Is there a worry in her speech delay?

عدد الأجوبة: 2
ديسمبر 28 , 2020 11:59 صباحاً
بقلم: مركز المسار
Hello Dear, 

From your input, we can say it's not normal for a 2-year-old, what is normal for her is to speak 80-100 words and to know how to combine two words in a sentence so we recommend that she visits a speech therapist for an assessment and a consultation. 
يوليو 15 , 2016 6:26 مساءً
بقلم: مروة الساطي
  Children at the age of two should usually understand and use about 200 words. If your cousin is only using three words then it is better to get her hearing tested first and then seek the advise of a speech therapist.