اسألي الخبراء

مارس 10 , 2016 4:18 مساءً
I am worried about my toddler’s behavior, he hits often and throws himself on the floor and cries whenever he doesn’t get his way. Is this normal?

عدد الأجوبة: 1
مارس 10 , 2016 4:22 مساءً
بقلم: سيرسا قورشة
In short, yes. This is normal toddler behavior. This is a period of rapid brain development. Toddlers are starting to figure out how the world works and logic development takes time- that’s why you might notice you’re your toddler might “flip” from being extremely happy to extremely angry in a matter of minutes. Also, parents need to consider the importance of independence development during this period; toddlers are realizing that they are individuals, separate from you as parents. They also want to do things on their own are developing assertiveness. Don’t forget that they are rapidly developing emotionally and are still trying to figure out how to manage these emotions with limited verbally abilities. So imagine how frustrated you can get if you feel angry or scared and don’t yet have the words to express how you’re feeling. Parenting at this time can be extremely overwhelming as you’re trying to deal with your toddler’s rapidly changing and intense emotions. Click the following link to see how you can assist in managing tantrums