اسألي الخبراء

مارس 10 , 2016 9:33 صباحاً
Hallo I’m in the sixth month of pregnancy. I have been complaining of lower abdominal pain for the last few weeks. The pain is worse with movements. I’m worried that I might be going into preterm labour?

عدد الأجوبة: 1
مارس 10 , 2016 9:36 صباحاً
بقلم: د. رامي الكيلاني
Lower abdominal pain is common in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is usually due to ligament stretching as the uterus increases in size. The main ligament is the round ligament which attaches the uterus to the pelvic side wall. Round ligament pain usually responds well t simple analgesia like paracetamol. Other causes for pain are urinary tract infection and Braxton hicks contractions. Preterm labor pain usually is cramp like, severe and increases in intensity with time. The pain is usually associated with cervical changes. If you are worried about preterm labor you need to visit your doctor who would perform a quick exam to rule out preterm labor.