Dental care

What to do if your child knocks his tooth off?

What to do if your child knocks his tooth off?
Published : July 12 , 2016
Latest Update : June 06 , 2022
Ruba Shabaneh (Pediatric dentist) is a mother of three kids; two boys and a girl. She considers motherhood not only as her... more

Accidents happen. Our kids are playing, having a great time, riding the bicycle, or even just jumping around. One of them might fall and knock his tooth off.

What can we do in this situation?  

  • First of all, try to calm down and do not panic to be able to help your child.


  • Second check if your child has other injuries such as head injuries.

Bleeding from nose, ear, dizziness, vomits or any more serious injury that requires referral to hospital instead of dental clinic.


  • Third look for the knocked off tooth, if it’s a permanent tooth and found it on floor pick it up from the crown not root.


  • If tooth was on soil or you found it dirty for any reason rinse it 'gently' (do not scrub and do not touch the root ) with tap water for 10 seconds.

( Note where u found the tooth so that you tell the doctor as there might be consideration for antibiotic therapy and tetanus immunization).


  • Put it back in your child's mouth in its place and hold it there by making him bite on a handkerchief.


  • If for any reason you couldn’t replace the tooth in its place, for example because of excessive bleeding or you don’t know where to put it or suspecting it was broken, store it in cold milk and bring it with you to the dentist directly.

(Other good storages media include contact lens fluid and normal saline)


  • The longer you wait the worse the prognosis.

The sooner you put it back in place, or put it in milk, the better the prognosis.


  • Let someone call the dentist, on your way, to arrange meeting you right away.


  • Usually, if it took you more than two hours we do not replace the tooth.

NOTE: If it's a primary tooth (Milk Tooth)do not attempt to return it back…This might damage the permanent tooth bud under/above it…just bring the tooth with you to the dentist to make sure there are no broken fragments in your child's mouth.   If your child engages in a lot of sports and harsh activities it is advised that you ask your dentist to fabricate a mouth guard which protects your child's teeth while playing.   It is really advised also that you check with your children's school nurse that she knows such information…if she doesn’t you can tell her now J  


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