اسألي الخبراء

يوليو 28 , 2021 11:59 مساءً
My Daughter is falling behind in her education and she is not ready for first grade and I need a special education teacher (shadow teacher) in Amman

عدد الأجوبة: 1
أغسطس 16 , 2021 12:52 مساءً
بقلم: أروى سيف
The child cannot be judged now, we begin to assess learning difficulties around the age of 7 because the child is beginning to absorb and realize, so the mother should present her daughter to a licensed special education specialist in order to make some necessary diagnoses to identify the reasons for her daughter’s decline, it may be Learning difficulties, cognitive issues, or it's just her mood.
The tests are the ones that determine the situation of the child. It may be in early intervention and indicators that show the child’s condition, but it is not sufficient because the child is still in an informal learning stage. When she enters the first grade, she appears if she suffers from arithmetic, writing, language, or mental learning difficulties.
A licensed and special education specialist is able to take the necessary tests to find out the reality of the child. A mother cannot judge that her child is not ready for first grade. There are standards and tests for that.