اسألي الخبراء

نوفمبر 22 , 2022 11:34 صباحاً
What can I do to improve my sons personality and leadership skills

عدد الأجوبة: 1
ديسمبر 01 , 2022 2:57 مساءً
بقلم: فرح أبو قورة
In order to improve your son's personality and leadership skills you need to focus on the followings:
1. Raise the self confidence, kids  need to know that what they're feeling is important ,noticed and normal.2. Spend some quality time with them and always enforce their positive behavior.3. Work on their social emotional intelligence where they can identify their feelings and other people's feelings, and learn how to comfort them and try to find alternatives on how to deal with their challenges.4.  Accept their emotions with open arms ,help them regulate them and learn from them (building resilience).